Water Line Disruption of Service

Water-DropletPossible Disruption to Water Tomorrow!

Please note a temporary loss of water supply may occur tomorrow morning , June 3rd in Muenster.   Water line work may require water mains to be temporarily shut off.  We hope to be able to do required line maintenance with no disruption to water service if possible.  Water line work will be occurring on Main Bay.   The entire Village may experience a temporary loss of pressure due to this planned maintenance.

If it does get turned off, the water will be turned back on when maintenance is complete.  When there is a loss of pressure in water lines, quality of water can not be ensured.  A precautionary Drinking Water Advisory would then have to come into effect and stay on until testing confirms quality levels.

Please watch your emails and the Village Website for notice of any Precautionary Drinking Water Advisories which may come into place tomorrow.


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