SaskPower contractors are inspecting wood poles throughout the province this spring, summer, and fall. They will also perform some ground grid testing on rural overhead transformers and install wildfire protection on poles in high-risk areas in the north. No power outages are necessary for this work.
Their top priority is to ensure the health and safety of their customers, employees, and contractors, while maintaining power reliability. Crews will do their best to stay within the SaskPower right-of-way but may occasionally need to access private property. Please know that our contractors will be wearing high-visibility clothing, will carry identification, and their vehicles will be marked with their company logo.
The contractor for this work is Central Pole Inspections and Maintenance Inc.
Muenster residents may have observed crews removing tree branches that are in proximity to overhead lines. This is part of the work planned and orchestrated by SaskPower.
SaskPower and Tree Trimming/Pole Inspections:
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