Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory Now in Effect Oct 22 10:00 AM.

Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory is now in effect for all residents and users of the Village of Muenster’s Drinking Water and Water Distribution System. 

Please see attached publication from the Water Security Agency for more details.

This advisory may be in effect until at least the middle of next week.  Please watch our website/facebook and emails for further notice.

Please remember:

  • (a) boil all water, used for drinking purposes, for at least one (1) minute, at a rolling boil, prior to use;
    • (b) boil water to be used for other activities where it may be ingested, including: (i) brushing teeth or soaking false teeth;
    • (ii) washing fruits and vegetables;
    • (iii) food or drink which will not be subsequently heated; and
    • (iv) ice cubes;
    • (c) not to use the water for washing dishes, unless the water has been boiled or the dishes are sanitized in another fashion. Washed dishes and utensils can be soaked in a bleach water solution (approximately 2 tablespoons of bleach per gallon or 10 ml of bleach per liter of water) for at least two minutes after being washed to kill any bacteria which may be present.

Note: Do not mix bleach with soaps or detergents.

  1. (d) not drink from any public drinking fountains supplied with water from the public water supply;
  2. (e) ensure that younger children and infants are sponge bathed;
  3. (f) use an alternative water source known to be safe, if they do not wish to boil the water; and
  4. (g) consult with your physician if you have cuts or rashes that are severe before using the water.


Under most circumstances, there is no need to boil water used for other household purposes. Adults, adolescents and older children may shower, bathe or wash using tap water but should avoid swallowing the water. Laundry may be washed in tap water, either by hand or by machine.

2021-10-22 Muenster PDWA Poster


Jan Sylvestre


Village of Muenster


Office hours  T, W, Th 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

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