Municipal Elections

electionMunicipal elections are scheduled for Nov 9th, located at the Village of Muenster Office from 9:00 am -4:00 pm.  For those who can not make it to the polls during the day, the Advance Poll is scheduled for Oct 27th from 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm also located at the Village Office.

The Village of Muenster Council meets for Regular scheduled meetings the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm.    Special meetings includes a Special Budget meeting one evening in May.  Remuneration is in place for councillors and the mayoral position.

Nominations will be open  and accepted from September 22 to October 7th, 2020.  Please NOTE:  2020 Nomination forms must be accompanied by a valid criminal record check which has been completed within 30 days of the Nomination submission.  Public disclosure statements are also mandatory. 

Eligibility requirements for Council Members include:

  • 18 yrs of age or older
  • Canadian Citizen
  • Resident of Saskatchewan for 6 months
  • Resident of Village of Muenster for 3 months

If you are considering running for council and would like to understand a little more about what is involved, please call the Village of Muenster 306-682-2794.  There are municipal governance seminars being hosted by the Municipalities of Saskatchewan that individuals can register for to assist in gaining understanding of roles and responsibilities.  The attached article explains a few details and dates for the information sessions.

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