Muenster Honour Our Veterans Banner Project – Call for Applicants

poppyRemembrance Day Banners honouring our local veterans and active service members will go up along Railway Street in October 2020.  If you would like to have a friend or family member honoured for their service please see attached application form.  2020 applications are due Sept 1, 2020. Grant funds have subsidized the first 20 applicants resulting in application cost being $25.00 per veteran.   The village can only accommodate 20 veterans in 2020.  More banners can be ordered in 2021 if the need arrises.  To see a sample of how banners will appear see attached:  “Banner Drawing”  Details on how to apply are included in the attached application forms or  email with any questions you may have.  2020Village of Muenster Veteran Banner Application Form  Forms may also be picked up at the Post Office or the Village Office.


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