
headstrongHEADSTRONG, launched in November 2014, is an initiative created by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and inspires youth aged 12-18 to Be Brave, Reach Out, and Speak Up”  about mental health and stigma. This movement is about creating a positive change, reducing the stigma and starting the conversation about mental health issues that students face in schools, their families, and life in general.

On March 11th, 2020, some Muenster High School students attended a HEADSTRONG summit hosted by Bruno school. From there, Muenster students have formed their own group. One of the main focuses of the summit was the “Better Together” t-shirt project. This project started in 2018 by a North Battleford high school student, Allysa Woodrow, and pastor, Deb McNabb, to bridge the gap between generations of all ages and bring people together.

This led to the creation of Better Together Tuesdays. Just like the HEADSTRONG organization, our school group is and wants to continue to adopt the Better Together movement. Future plans are to dress the entire school, starting with the high school, and later tackle dressing the community! With these plans, we hope to connect our community by wearing our t-shirts every Tuesday and build a foundation for future activities that we cannot currently do because of the pandemic.

If you are interested in learning more about the HEADSTRONG movement, please visit the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s website. Also, if you are wanting to learn more about the Better Together t-shirt movement, there will be a CBC news article from 2019 linked below that goes more in depth on why it was created. The link for purchasing the Better Together t-shirts is also provided at the bottom.

HEADSTRONG MHCC           Better Together T-shirts           CBC News Article

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