Halloween in Muenster

halloweenHalloween Guidelines for the Village of Muenster

Village Council has chosen not to impose a time frame or curfew for trick-or-treaters to go door-to-door. However, you are encouraged to observe a courteous time of day to do so.

The Village of Muenster encourages you to trick-or-treat safely this year by following the Province’s guidelines on Halloween safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. (These guidelines appear in the latest version of the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan, starting on Page 146.)

It is possible that not everyone will be handing out treats this year either due to the pandemic or for other personal reasons, so please be considerate and respectful of their choices or beliefs.

Have fun and stay safe!

For more information, please copy and paste this link into your browser to view the most recent Provincial Guidelines:


Halloween Trick-or-Treating

As per the Provincial Guidelines trick-or-treating is permitted with the following measures in place:

Neighbourhood Trick-or-Treating

  • Two metres distance must be maintained between individuals who are not in the same household/extended household at all times.
  • No direct physical contact should occur between trick-or-treaters and people distributing Halloween treats.
  • Participants should consider using tools (e.g. tongs) to distribute candy at a distance.
  • Physical distancing must be used when approaching houses (i.e. wait until group ahead is gone, take turns). For houses or neighbourhoods anticipating a high volume of trick-or-treaters, people distributing candy are encouraged to place tape markers every two metres between doorways and sidewalks/driveways to promote physical distancing.
  • Due to the number of people potentially touching the treats prior to being handed out, consider cleaning candy wrappers with disinfectant wipes or holding the treats for 72 hours before consuming.
  • Only wrapped, store-bought treats should be distributed.
  • Common touch areas (e.g. handrails, doorbells, doorknobs, etc.) should be frequently cleaned and disinfected while distributing candy.
  • Trick-or-treaters should practise frequent hand hygiene by carrying portable hand sanitizer approved by Health Canada (DIN or NPN number).
  • People distributing candy should practise frequent hand hygiene while handing out Halloween treats.
  • Trick-or-treaters should consider incorporating non-medical masks (e.g. cloth or other materials) into their costumes, while ensuring their eyes are not covered for safety reasons.
  • Individuals handing out candy should consider wearing non-medical masks (e.g. cloth or other materials) where two metres of physical distance cannot be maintained.
  • Where possible, only one household member should hand out candy.
  • Alternatives to trick-or-treating may be considered, such as:
    • Costume viewing from windows/virtual/photos.
    • Decorating households and yards for viewing from afar.
    • A costume parade where physical distancing can be maintained.


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