Funding For One Community Organization- Up to $1000 Available

dollar Submit your completed applications to the Village of Muenster By Nov 16th.  Please see below attachments regarding an  additional funding opportunity for $250-$1000 in regards to Muenster community organizations requiring assistance .

Prairie Central District will accept ONE organization per community for the following $250 – $1000 Prairie Central District for Sport, Culture and Recreation grant.  IF your organization is in need of financial assistance please contact the Village office asap – deadline is Nov 16th so Council can consider at their Nov 17th regular meeting.  Council will consider all Muenster organizations who submit a completed application  and decide which organization to put forth from our community for this grant.  Please outline specifically what you require the funds for, a “list of expenses/budget” which can be used for the followup form as you see attached.

This fund will provide financial assistance so that you can safely re-open your recreation facilities and / or implement a sport, culture or recreation program.     In addition to regular program expenses, items to address the health and safety of participants, such as masks, sanitizers, dispensers, signage and extra cleaning staff; are also eligible.

Relief Fund Criteria Nov 2020

Relief FUNd Application Form Nov 2020

Relief FUNd Follow Up Form Nov 2020

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