Davis Hits Regina with a Smile!

Bike - DavisWe are very proud of the community spirit in our community.  However there is one individual who shines as an active example of our community spirit this week that we must point out!

Sue Davis has biked 225 km from Muenster to Regina on Saturday August 16th.  Her cause behind such an adventure was not only self driven but she also coupled it with a cause to get behind her community.  Sue’s efforts raised $6250 to date for the Muenster Community Hall at a time when Covid was restricting fundraising efforts and groups gathering.  Friends, family and residents donated to her bike trip to show their appreciation and pride in Sue and their sense of community.   Find Sue’s story at the Facebook page: “Muenster 2020 Community Support”

Thankyou Sue for inspiring us all in so many ways!

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