Covid Updates

VirusUpdates as of Aug 11th, 2020 include the following memo.  As always you may visit the Government of Sask Covid page for up to date information.

COVID-19 Update: 29 New Cases, 11 In Hospital, 29 More Recoveries

There are 29 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on August 11, bringing the total to 1,479 cases in Saskatchewan (165 are considered active).  The new cases are located in Saskatoon (17), Regina (4), South West (4), South Central (3) and North West (1) zones.


Safe Schools Plan: Level 2 Guidance Released

The Government of Saskatchewan, Education’s Response Planning Team (RPT) and Public Health guidelines are being updated to support the safe return of children to school.


For those divisions exploring measures in Levels 2, the following guidance has been provided by Saskatchewan’s Chief Medical Health Officer:

  • Students in Grades 4 through 12 wear a mask in high traffic areas, such as in hallways and on buses.
  • For those students in Grades 9 through 12, masks may be required in classrooms where it is not possible to maintain physical distancing or where students are outside of the cohort within their classroom, as well as all teachers and staff.
  • For those high schools that have a high density population, further discussions with Saskatchewan’s 27 school divisions have resulted in factors being developed for those considering Level 3.  Factors that would be considered include the location, structure and population density of the school.  School divisions may consider additional options, including alternating days for high school students.


Other additional measures are listed in the news release.


Safe Schools Plan: Safe Attendance Procedures For Illness In Care

To ensure all members of Saskatchewan’s school communities attend classes safely this fall, local administrative procedures have been developed for students exhibiting signs and symptoms consistent with COVID-19 under the Saskatchewan Safe Schools Plan.


COVID-19 Cases At The Regina K-Bro Linens Facility

As of August 9, 2020, 18 employees of K-Bro Linens facility in Regina have tested positive for COVID-19.  Some of these cases were identified following a call to Healthline 811, but most were identified through contact tracing. All employees have been tested for COVID-19.


Those employees who tested positive for COVID-19, and anyone who was in close contact with those employees, are now self-isolating. The risk of community transmission is low.


For the latest information about the Government of Saskatchewan’s COVID-19 Reponse, visit For information about the Re-open Saskatchewan Plan, visit







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