Moving On

For those who haven’t yet heard, I will be moving on from the Village office.

My husband builds Ready to Move Homes, and I am focusing my attention on working for our business, Gord’s Finishing…check us out at our website at

The past 2 1/2 years while working for the Village of Muenster has been a GREAT experience; a time of learning (never a dull moment), working alongside, with, and for some fantastic people, and meeting the wonderful residents of Muenster.

It has been a really cool place to work and foster such great friendships. I am certain the new candidate will feel entirely the same, so drop off your resume with Jan.

It has been a pleasure!! Thank you.

~Laurie Szautner

PS…I am here until a new hire takes my place, so pop in to say goodbye OR see-you-around…I won’t be going far just 1 mile south of the village ????

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